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Z5 Fri 30 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Thur, 29 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Wed, 28 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Tues, 27 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Mon, 26 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Fri, 16 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Thur, 15 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Wed, 14 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Tue, 13 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Mon, 12 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Fri, 9 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Thur, 8 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Wed, 7 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Tue, 6 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Mon, 5 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Fri, 2 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Thur, 1 August 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Wed, 31 July 2024

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Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Tue, 30 July 2024

Z5 Daily
Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

Z5 Mon, 29 July 2024

Z5 Daily
Z5 - Top 5 stocks for today.

5 January 2024 – Weekly Review – A pullback

Chart 1: Weekly chart of the S&P 500 sectors

Summary (Weekly Chart)
$DJT – UpTrend
with Downward momentum.
/ESUpTrend with Downward momentum.
/NQUpTrend with Downward momentum.
/RTY – UpTrend with Neutral momentum.
/YM – UpTrend with Neutral momentum.

/CLDownTrend with Neutral momentum.
/GCUpTrend with Neutral momentum.
/ZBUpTrend with Neutral momentum.
DBCDownTrend with Downward momentum.
HYGUpTrend with Neutral momentum.

Summary (Daily Chart)
$DJTNoTrend with Downward momentum.
/ESUpTrend with Downward momentum.
/NQNoTrend with Downward momentum.
/RTYNoTrend with Downward momentum.
/YMUpTrend with Downward momentum.

/CLNoTrend with Upward momentum.
/GCUpTrend with Downward momentum.
/ZBNoTrend with Downward momentum.
DBCDownTrend with Upward momentum.
HYGNoTrend with Downward momentum.

$DXYDownTrend with Upward momentum.
EUR/USDNoTrend with Downward momentum.
USD/JPYNoTrend with Upward momentum.

Tight Squeezes

Squeezes (Daily)
Preliminary Squeezes (Daily)

Market Internals

Market Internals (Daily Chart)
Market Breadth – below the threshold line showing more losers than gainers.
Volume Acc/Dis – below the threshold line showing distribution.
Vix – 13.35

Relative Strength – Sectors

Chart 3 – Ranking the Strength of the S&P 500 ETFs over 12 month period

On a 3-monthly period, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLF, XLV, XLC, SPX, XLP, XLI, XLB, XLU, XLY, XLK and XLE.

On a 12-monthly period, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLF, XLC, SPX, XLI, XLB, XLK, XLV, XLY, XLE, XLP and XLU.

1 minute day chart with QTiTTs

Chart 4 above shows the 1-minute chart of the /RTY.

To Your Wealth!
Would you like to learn to trade Stocks, Options or Futures? Drop us an email at jefftohch@gmail.com or call +6010 4343 948. If you have been an unsuccessful trader and need personal tutorship, we can provide you with personal coaching to take you to be a profitable trader.

4 January 2024 – Indices held

Chart 1: Overall market analysis of the indices, oil, gold, bond and US dollar index

Summary (The Week Ahead)
$DJTNoTrend and Downward momentum.
/ESNoTrend and Downward momentum.
/NQNoTrend and Downward momentum.
/RTYNoTrend and Downward momentum.
/YMUpTrend and Downward momentum.

/CLDownTrend and Upward momentum.
/GCUpTrend and Neutral momentum.
/ZBUpTrend and Downward momentum.
DBCDownTrend and Neutral momentum.
HYGNoTrend and Downward momentum.

Daily Tight Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Daily Squeezes (The Week Ahead)
Preliminary Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Chart 2 – Market Internals

Market Internals
Market Breadth – Belowe threshold showing more losers than gainers.
Volume Acc/Dis – below threshold showing distribution.
Vix – 14.13
QTiTTs signal is Bullish.

Chart 3 – Ranking the Strength of the S&P 500 ETFs over 12 month period

On a 3-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLV, XLF, XLP, SPX, XLC, XLI, XLB, XLU, XLK, XLY and XLE.

On a 12-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLF, XLC, SPX, XLI, XLB, XLV, XLK, XLY, XLE, XLP and XLU.

Chart 4 -1 minute day chart with QTiTTs

To Your Wealth!
Would you like to learn to trade Stocks, Options or Futures? Drop us an email at jefftohch@gmail.com or call +6010 4343 948. If you have been an unsuccessful trader and need personal tutorship, we can provide you with personal coaching to take you to be a profitable trader.

3 January 2024 – Indices fall

Chart 1: Overall market analysis of the indices, oil, gold, bond and US dollar index

Summary (The Week Ahead)
$DJTNoTrend and Downward momentum.
/ESUpTrend and Downward momentum.
/NQNoTrend and Downward momentum.
/RTYNoTrend and Downward momentum.
/YMUpTrend and Downward momentum.

/CLDownTrend and Neutral momentum.
/GCNoTrend and Neutral momentum.
/ZBUpTrend and Downward momentum.
DBCDownTrend and Neutral momentum.
HYGUpTrend and Downward momentum.

Daily Tight Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Daily Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Preliminary Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Chart 2 – Market Internals

Market Internals
Market Breadth – above threshold showing more gainers than losers.
Volume Acc/Dis – above threshold showing accumulation.
Vix – 14.04
QTiTTs signal is Bullish.

Chart 3 – Ranking the Strength of the S&P 500 ETFs over 12 month period

On a 3-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLF, XLV, XLP, SPX, XLC, XLB, XLI, XLU, XLK, XLY and XLE.

On a 12-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLF, XLC, SPX, XLB, XLK, XLI, XLV, XLY, XLE, XLP and XLU.

Chart 4 -1 minute day chart with QTiTTs

To Your Wealth!
Would you like to learn to trade Stocks, Options or Futures? Drop us an email at jefftohch@gmail.com or call +6010 4343 948. If you have been an unsuccessful trader and need personal tutorship, we can provide you with personal coaching to take you to be a profitable trader.

2 January 2024 – A pullback start to a new year

Chart 1: Overall market analysis of the indices, oil, gold, bond and US dollar index

Summary (The Week Ahead)
$DJTUpTrend and Downward momentum.
/ESUpTrend and Downward momentum.
/NQUpTrend and Downward momentum.
/RTYUpTrend and Downward momentum.
/YMUpTrend and Upward momentum.

/CLDownTrend and Downward momentum.
/GCUpTrend and Neutral momentum.
/ZBUpTrend and Downward momentum.
DBCDownTrend and Downward momentum.
HYGUpTrend and Downward momentum.

Daily Tight Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Daily Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Preliminary Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Chart 2 – Market Internals

Market Internals
Market Breadth – above threshold showing more gainers than losers.
Volume Acc/Dis – above threshold showing accumulation.
Vix – 13.2
QTiTTs signal is Bullish.

Chart 3 – Ranking the Strength of the S&P 500 ETFs over 12 month period

On a 3-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLF, XLV, XLP, SPX, XLB, XLI, XLC, XLY, XLK, XLU and XLE.

On a 12-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLF, XLC, SPX, XLB, XLI, XLK, XLY, XLV, XLE, XLP and XLU.

Chart 4 -1 minute day chart with QTiTTs

To Your Wealth!
Would you like to learn to trade Stocks, Options or Futures? Drop us an email at jefftohch@gmail.com or call +6010 4343 948. If you have been an unsuccessful trader and need personal tutorship, we can provide you with personal coaching to take you to be a profitable trader.

29 December 2023 – Weekly Review – A bullish week to end 2023

Chart 1: Weekly chart of the S&P 500 sectors

Summary (Weekly Chart)
$DJT – UpTrend
with Upward momentum.
/ESUpTrend with Upward momentum.
/NQUpTrend with Upward momentum.
/RTY – UpTrend with Upward momentum.
/YM – UpTrend with Upward momentum.

/CLDownTrend with Download momentum.
/GCUpTrend with Upward momentum.
/ZBUpTrend with Upward momentum.
DBCDownTrend with Downward momentum.
HYGUpTrend with Upward momentum.

Summary (Daily Chart)
$DJTUpTrend with Downward momentum.
/ESUpTrend with Upward momentum.
/NQUpTrend with Upward momentum.
/RTYUpTrend with Neutral momentum.
/YMUpTrend with Upward momentum.

/CLDownTrend with Upward momentum.
/GCUpTrend with Neutral momentum.
/ZBUpTrend with Neutral momentum.
DBCDownTrend with Downward momentum.
HYGUpTrend with Downward momentum.

$DXYDownTrend with Downward momentum.
EUR/USDUpTrend with Upward momentum.
USD/JPYDownTrend with Downward momentum.

Tight Squeezes

Squeezes (Daily)

Preliminary Squeezes (Daily)

Market Internals

Market Internals (Daily Chart)
Market Breadth – above the threshold line showing more gainers than losers.
Volume Acc/Dis – above the threshold line showing accumulation.
Vix – 12.45

Relative Strength – Sectors

Chart 3 – Ranking the Strength of the S&P 500 ETFs over 12 month period

On a 3-monthly period, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLI, XLV, XLF, SPX, XLK, XLB, XLC, XLP, XLY, XLU and XLE.

On a 12-monthly period, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLI, XLK, SPX, XLC, XLF, XLB, XLY, XLV, XLE, XLP and XLU.

1 minute day chart with QTiTTs

Chart 4 above shows the 1-minute chart of the /RTY.

To Your Wealth!
Would you like to learn to trade Stocks, Options or Futures? Drop us an email at jefftohch@gmail.com or call +6010 4343 948. If you have been an unsuccessful trader and need personal tutorship, we can provide you with personal coaching to take you to be a profitable trader.

28 December 2023 – Slowing upward momentum?

Chart 1: Overall market analysis of the indices, oil, gold, bond and US dollar index

Summary (The Week Ahead)
$DJTUpTrend and Neutral momentum.
/ESUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/NQUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/RTYUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/YMUpTrend and Upward momentum.

/CLDownTrend and Upward momentum.
/GCUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/ZBUpTrend and Neutral momentum.
DBCDownTrend and Neutral momentum.
HYGUpTrend and Upward momentum.

Daily Tight Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Daily Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Preliminary Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Chart 2 – Market Internals

Market Internals
Market Breadth – above threshold showing more gainers than losers.
Volume Acc/Dis – above threshold showing accumulation.
Vix – 12.47
QTiTTs signal is Bullish.

Chart 3 – Ranking the Strength of the S&P 500 ETFs over 12 month period

On a 3-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLF, XLI, SPX, XLK, XLC, XLV, XLB, XLY, XLP, XLU and XLE.

On a 12-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are SPX, XLI, XLK, XLC, XLF, XLB, XLY, XLV, XLE, XLP and XLU.

Chart 4 -1 minute day chart with QTiTTs

To Your Wealth!
Would you like to learn to trade Stocks, Options or Futures? Drop us an email at jefftohch@gmail.com or call +6010 4343 948. If you have been an unsuccessful trader and need personal tutorship, we can provide you with personal coaching to take you to be a profitable trader.

27 December 2023 – The bulls keep on running

Chart 1: Overall market analysis of the indices, oil, gold, bond and US dollar index

Summary (The Week Ahead)
$DJTUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/ESUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/NQUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/RTYUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/YMUpTrend and Upward momentum.

/CLNoTrend and Upward momentum.
/GCUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/ZBUpTrend and Upward momentum.
DBCDownTrend and Neutral momentum.
HYGUpTrend and Upward momentum.

Daily Tight Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Daily Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Preliminary Squeezes (The Week Ahead)
/GC, /CL

Chart 2 – Market Internals

Market Internals
Market Breadth – above threshold showing more gainers than losers.
Volume Acc/Dis – above threshold showing accumulation.
Vix – 12.43
QTiTTs signal is Bullish.

Chart 3 – Ranking the Strength of the S&P 500 ETFs over 12 month period

On a 3-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are SPX, XLB, XLK, XLI, XLF, XLC, XLY, XLV, XLP, XLU and XLE.

On a 12-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are SPX, XLB, XLK, XLI, XLC, XLF, XLY, XLV, XLE, XLP and XLU.

Chart 4 -1 minute day chart with QTiTTs

To Your Wealth!
Would you like to learn to trade Stocks, Options or Futures? Drop us an email at jefftohch@gmail.com or call +6010 4343 948. If you have been an unsuccessful trader and need personal tutorship, we can provide you with personal coaching to take you to be a profitable trader.

26 December 2023 – Christmas rally continues

Chart 1: Overall market analysis of the indices, oil, gold, bond and US dollar index

Summary (The Week Ahead)
$DJTUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/ESUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/NQUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/RTYUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/YMUpTrend and Upward momentum.

/CLNoTrend and Upward momentum.
/GCUpTrend and Upward momentum.
/ZBUpTrend and Neutral momentum.
DBCDownTrend and Downward momentum.
HYGUpTrend and Upward momentum.

Daily Tight Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Daily Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Preliminary Squeezes (The Week Ahead)

Chart 2 – Market Internals

Market Internals
Market Breadth – above threshold showing more gainers than losers.
Volume Acc/Dis – above threshold showing accumulation.
Vix – 12.99
QTiTTs signal is Bullish.

Chart 3 – Ranking the Strength of the S&P 500 ETFs over 12 month period

On a 3-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLK, SPX, XLI, XLB, XLF, XLC, XLY, XLV, XLP, XLU and XLE.

On a 12-monthly lookback, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLK, SPX, XLI, XLB, XLC, XLF, XLY, XLV, XLE, XLP and XLU.

Chart 4 -1 minute day chart with QTiTTs

To Your Wealth!
Would you like to learn to trade Stocks, Options or Futures? Drop us an email at jefftohch@gmail.com or call +6010 4343 948. If you have been an unsuccessful trader and need personal tutorship, we can provide you with personal coaching to take you to be a profitable trader.

Year of the Wood Snake Fund 2025

As this is the Year of the Wood Snake 2025 starts, we have established a RM 100,000 to trade the Malaysian market using Fundamental and Technical Analysis or FunTech as we called it. We will post our trades and post the portfolio performance as well.

The portfolio will consist of 20 stocks or less. Most of the stocks will be either dividend stocks or growth stocks or a mixture of both. The intent is to find companies that are led by visionaries or companies that are well managed and has an economic moat and are profitable and with healthy cash flow. We will use the technical chart for Entry and Exit.

The Wood Snake Fund 2025 is going to prove exciting! Keep checking out this site for its performance.

22 December 2023 – A rally into Christmas

Chart 1: Weekly chart of the S&P 500 sectors

Summary (3-Day Chart)
$DJT – UpTrend
with Upward momentum.
/ESUpTrend with Upward momentum.
/NQUpTrend with Upward momentum.
/RTY – UpTrend with Upward momentum.
/YM – UpTrend with Upward momentum.

/CLDownTrend with Neutral momentum.
/GCUpTrend with Neutral momentum.
/ZBUpTrend with Upward momentum.
DBCDownTrend with Downward momentum.
HYGUpTrend with Upward momentum.

Summary (Daily Chart)
$DJTUpTrend with Upward momentum.
/ESUpTrend with Upward momentum.
/NQUpTrend with Upward momentum.
/RTYUpTrend with Upward momentum.
/YMUpTrend with Upward momentum.

/CLDownTrend with Upward momentum.
/GCUpTrend with Neutral momentum.
/ZBUpTrend with Neutral momentum.
DBCDownTrend with Downward momentum.
HYGUpTrend with Upward momentum.

$DXYDownTrend with Downward momentum.
EUR/USDUpTrend with Downward momentum.
USD/JPYDownTrend with Downward momentum.

Tight Squeezes

Squeezes (Daily)

Preliminary Squeezes (Daily)

Market Internals

Market Internals (Daily Chart)
Market Breadth – above the threshold line showing more gainers than losers.
Volume Acc/Dis – above the threshold line showing accumulation.
Vix – 13.03

Relative Strength – Sectors

Chart 3 – Ranking the Strength of the S&P 500 ETFs over 12 month period

On a 3-monthly period, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLI, XLB, XLK, SPX, XLF, XLC, XLY, XLV, XLP, XLU and XLE.

On a 12-monthly period, the relative strength order of the S&P ETF 500 sectors are XLK, XLI, XLB, SPX, XLC, XLF, XLY, XLV, XLE, XLP and XLU.

1 minute day chart with QTiTTs

Chart 4 above shows the 1-minute chart of the /RTY.

To Your Wealth!
Would you like to learn to trade Stocks, Options or Futures? Drop us an email at jefftohch@gmail.com or call +6010 4343 948. If you have been an unsuccessful trader and need personal tutorship, we can provide you with personal coaching to take you to be a profitable trader.