This is a study of using TiTTs3 on the 20 September 2022. In this trade, we are just watching the colour of the candles. When the candles are green, it is in an Up Trend. When the candles are Red, it is in a Down Trend. When it is Yellow, it is in a sideward Trend or Range Trading.
The other thing that we are looking for are the Momentum dots. When the dots are Green, the momentum is Upward. When the dots are White, the momentum is Downward. When there are no dots, the momentum is Neutral or Sideward.
Chart 1 belows shows the Red candles trending downwards and also there was the White downward momentum dots.
It trended down from 3:31 am ET till 4:27 am ET when the candle changed to Yellow. We exit this trade when there is a change of the Trend or Momentum. Typically, the momentum will change first. When the Red candles changed to Yellow and then Green, there is a change in the Trend.
When the Momentum dots changed from White to Green dots, there is a change in the momentum. Typically, the Momentum dots will changed from White dots to no dots and then Green dots. There is a slow transition in the change of the colour of the dots.
In chart 2 above, we have another example of a DownTrend shown by the Red candles. Also the White Downward momentum dots are aligned with the Trend and we hold on to the trade until there is a change either either the Trend or Momentum.
In a downTrend, a change in momentum means the Red candles changed to Yellow and then Green. In a change of momentum, the White dots changed from White to nothing (Black) to Green dots.
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